The Always Anonymous Beast by Lauren Wright Douglas
The Naiad Press, 1987.

Overview: This
book features a detective who is a biiiiiig fan of McDonald’s and other fast
food joints. (Seriously, the number of times she goes to McDonald’s alone is
impressive.) Caitlin Reece, said fast-food addict, also likes her .357 Smith
and Wesson, women, and Shakespeare (the title is a Shakespeare reference). In The Always Anonymous Beast, she
investigates the blackmail of a television broadcaster married to an insanely
jealous husband and a lesbian professor who studies nonviolent resistance and
conflict resolution. This book doesn’t strictly fit our mission statement,
since the blackmailer is pretty homophobic and misogynistic, but I just had to
reward the absurdity of this book with a review.
My reaction: This
wasn’t the best mystery ever, and sadly most of my enjoyment from it came from
laughing at the kind of over-the-top nature of the whole thing. You know how
you don’t see characters doing necessary functions all the time in books? Well,
here I felt like we saw a lot more: and damn, Caitlin’s into fast food! And
alcohol. Nothing wrong with either of those things (except maybe alcohol when
those tics, combined with the ridiculous interactions with the blackmailer, are
part of the reason this is a “meh.” On the other hand, I have to give Douglas
props for the most inventive murder I’ve read in a while. It’s a goody!
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